ApeXChimpz (AXC) ASTAR dApp /// all natural /// rewards program

How APEs and BuffChimpz will help you to “pimp your (X)Chimp”

Everyone can join our dApp staking and profit from our ///all natural/// and organic rewards, on top of the given 10.7% APY that you will receive anyways. Double the fun, right!?

If you already hold our NFTs or not, we created this ///all natural/// program to give everyone the opportunity to receive organic project rewards from apeXchimpz.

As we have a long heritage in NFTs and building our IP, we took everything we created into account to bring supporters and newcomers a fair reward structure when staking with us. Take a moment to look into these two charts below and let us explain more about it.

Staking 1000+ ASTR can be enough to have your foot in the door and get exposure to the growth of AXC.

Staking $ASTR brings you “OG reward points”. These OG reward points will turn into equippables vouchers. These vouchers can either be redeemed for XChimp equippables or even be traded.

When you are a Chad and already hold our NFTs, you can boost your organic staking rewards. Just make sure you have the NFTs in the same account that you stake with.

Find your NFTs in the chart to the left and add your OG points. Dont forget to add the Endbonus for staking certain $ASTR amounts and/or holding our NFTs

Lets take a look at some examples to give you an idea of possible pairings, when you hold either ChaosDAO APEs or some BuffChimpz or the new NaNas

You have 4.000+ $ASTR and 2 NaNa
in your account that you stake with.

-> 1 OGP for the 4.000 $ASTR

-> 3 OGP for your 2 NaNas

==-> 4 OGP

You have 25.000+ $ASTR and 2 BuffChimpz + 1 APE
in your account that you stake with.

-> 5 OGP + 5% multiplier for the 25.000 $ASTR

-> 3 OGP for your 2 BuffChimpz

-> 20 OGP +35% multiplier for your APE

/// 28 OGP + 40% multiplier

=== -> 39.2 OGP

You have 150.000+ $ASTR, 3 BuffChimpz + 14 NaNas
(with a total of 2 full tribes) and 1 APE
in your account that you stake with.

-> 10 OGP + 20% multiplier for the 150.000 $ASTR

-> 5 OGP for your 3 BuffChimpz

-> 4 OGP for your 3+ NaNas

-> 5 OGP + 20% multiplier for the 2 NaNa Tribes

-> 20 OGP +35% multiplier for your APE

/// 44 OGP + 75% multiplier

== -> 77 OGP

General rules:

->To be eligible for any of the above mentioned /// all natural /// AXC organic rewards you must stake with our dApp for minimum 28 days without pause. 

->///all natural/// rewards will be distributed latest 2 weeks after a “Season has ended. Season 1 will end on 31st December 2023

->The 28 days period will always start at the 1st of each month.

->When an NFT sells, the sale might invalidate the earned VP for the staking period for this NFT

->You can not earn extra OGP by having multiples of the aboved mentioned maximum of NFTs in one account. The maximum NFTs that will be counted for boosting are: 3 BuffChimpz, 3 individual NaNas of any kind (gifted included) , 2 full NaNa Tribes and 1 APE.

->After the NaNa-NFTs turn into XChimpz, the OGP valuation of NaNa NFTs and XChimpz will be re-evaluated latest 2 weeks after the event of turning NaNas into XChimpz has occurred.